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March 19, 2018

What’s the deal with pet insurance? If you don’t have a pet insurance policy, you’re in the majority. Most people haven’t familiarized themselves with the concept of insurance for dogs, and have no idea what such a policy would entail. In fact, some people think dog insurance is a waste of money. But is it?   

What is pet insurance anyway? Wikipedia explains pet policies as a kind of property insurance, and while we don’t like to think of our dogs as property, it does explain how the policies work. Normally, pet insurance policies reimburse the policy holder after expenses are applied rather than reducing or eliminating out of pocket costs like human health insurance. The good news is that pet policies come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, so you should be able to find the perfect plan for your pet with little or no trouble.  

How does a pet insurance policy work? has put together a great primer on pet insurance policies that will help you understand the terminology and structure of the various kinds of pet policies available. The also offer a bit of instruction on how pet insurance differs from human health insurance to help minimize any confusion if and when you decide to move forward on an insurance plan.  

Is pet insurance worth it? Ah, the most important question! Naturally, pet insurance is like any other kind of insurance in that the total value of the policy depends on a number of factors, including how healthy your pet is and the cost of your policy premiums. Thankfully, Consumer Reports published an article last year that offers an analysis of pet insurance, as well as providing a wealth of information and helpful tips on choosing the policy that’s best for you and your dog.   See you next week, and stay safe out there!