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Dog Safety Tips for Halloween

Dog Safety Tips for Halloween

Halloween can be a fun filled holiday for children of all ages, but it can also be an extremely stressful time for dogs. New noises, smells, outfits, and foods are everywhere, and our furry friends can easily be overwhelmed by the din. To keep your pooch protected on Halloween, keep these four simple rules in mind: No Treats for Dogs! First and foremost, dogs should never be given human treats! Chocolate is especially dangerous for dogs, but sweets of any kinds are too sticky and sugary for dogs to enjoy. The same is true for cookies, cakes, or anything with frosting. If you want to give your dog a treat on Halloween, it’s best to provide the same treats she enjoys every other time of year. It’s also wise to explain to your children that they shouldn’t share their treats with the family pet!

Trick or Treating? Safety first! If your dog is well behaved, you might decide to let her accompany you and your children on a trick or treating tour around the neighborhood. If you do so, make sure you choose an outfit that offers plenty of safety. A reflective dog vest is always a smart choice for evening walks, even when trick or treating. If you’ve decided to dress your dog up in the spirit of the holiday, then using a reflective leash is another way to stay safe and seen.

Provide a Safe Place! If you’re expecting to be home as trick or treaters arrive, or if you’re planning on hosting a party in your home, be aware that your dog will not understand all the costumes, masks, and strange smells. Consider placing your dog in a place where she feels safe for the evening, like her crate, a bedroom with a closed door, or even the garage.

Clean up those wrappers! Wrapping paper, as well as napkins and paper cups or plates, are commonly found scattered throughout most homes during Halloween. Your dog will very likely be curious about all these new bits of sweet smelling paper, so be sure to keep surfaces clear of anything that she might decide to chew up or swallow.

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