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Awareness Building Program Successful for Dog Vest Company

October 01, 2014

California-based startup SJS Direct, the producer of the SafetyPUP XD reflective dog vest, announces the results of a new awareness building program targeting new customers in the online and social media arenas.   Modesto, CA: California-based SJS Direct, the company behind the consumer-acclaimed SafetyPUP XD reflective dog vest, recently launched an awareness building campaign that targeted outdoor enthusiasts, sport hunters, and suburban dog owners across the county. The program was designed to provide tips and information to new purchasers of the SafetyPUP dog vest line, as well as gathering suggestions and feedback that will be used by the design team as the product evolves.   So far, the program is an overwhelming success. Shem Swerkes, VP of Marketing for SJS and the primary creative talent behind the launch of SafetyPUP brand dog vests explains why: “Our initial goal was to make sure that our new purchasers were aware of the benefits of the SafetyPUP dog vest and versed in all the proper usage parameters, ensuring maximum safety for all our users and their pets.” A quick phone call to new buyers allowed the SafetyPUP team to provide valuable insight to consumers, and to gauge customer responses.   “We have a large number of shoppers that cross traditional purchasing boundaries,” explains Swerkes, “which is why this direct customer interaction was so helpful – both to us and to our users.” The SafetyPUP is often used as a hunting dog vest by outdoor recreationalists and as a night time safety device by suburban dog owners, two highly dissimilar market segments with very different expectations and product usage parameters. “We start by finding out how our customers are using the vest, and then provide a list of tips we’ve received from other customers who use the product in the same way.”   The response has been positive across the board, and has led to not only a boost in sales, but an increase in positive customer chatter in social media and online shopping venues. “We’re extremely happy to see that our customers appreciate the extra time we’re putting in to perfecting the SafetyPUP dog vest,” continues Swerkes. “Our shoppers enjoy the opportunity to speak freely about a recent purchase they’ve made, and the team that designs our SafetyPUP dog vests is able to gather invaluable feedback that will ultimately make the product even better. That’s definitely a win-win.”   For now, it appears that the awareness building program will continue for the foreseeable future. “It’s rare that a program provides such strong benefits for both the company and the consumer,” says Swerkes. “We plan on keeping the program alive as long as it keeps generating positive results, and from the look of it, that’s going to be a long, long time.”   About SJS Direct:   Based in Modesto, California, SJS Direct is a new venture dedicated to providing premium quality consumer products across a broad range of industries. Unlike many producers of commercial goods, SJS Direct does not concentrate on minimizing production costs to satisfy the lowest-price market, but is known for investing time and capital into product research, material engineering, and customer-requested feature development. As a result, SJS products offer superior craftsmanship, value, and utility than many brand name manufacturers while remaining competitively priced. For more information on the new SafetyPUP XD reflective dog vest, browse to